Welcome to the Division of Arts and Sciences at Texas Southmost College!

The Division of Arts and Sciences offers a range of educational programs tailored to equip students for both the contemporary workplace and further academic endeavors. TSC provides degree pathways in Art, Criminal Justice, General Studies, Social Work, and Teaching.

Associate Degree programs focus on imparting foundational knowledge in liberal arts, which has long been regarded as the bedrock of comprehensive education. Earning an Associate’s Degree at TSC lays a solid foundation for advanced academic pursuits.

Recognizing that some students have immediate career aspirations that don't necessarily require a full four-year degree, TSC's associate degree programs are crafted to offer pertinent skills and knowledge in students' chosen fields.

Whether students are aiming to enter the job market soon or seeking to save money while earning a high-quality education and fulfil prerequisites for a bachelor's degree program, the Division of Arts and Sciences is steadfast in its commitment to their academic and professional success!