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Parking permits are required for faculty, staff, and students to park in all restricted parking lots (please see Campus Map), including designated handicapped parking spaces.
The person issued a parking permit is responsible for all violations and tickets cited to that permit.
Disabled Parking
Individuals with personal disabled permits must also display a valid Texas Southmost College parking permit to park in a handicapped space. Parking in a handicapped space without a valid Texas Southmost College permit will result in a citation.
No parking permit fees are charged for permanently disabled people or disabled veterans as defined by Articles 6675a-5e and 6675a-5e.1 of Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes.
Types of Citations
Types of citations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- no parking permit
- expired parking permit
- improper display of parking permit
- parking where prohibited (fire lane, handicapped, faculty and staff, visitor, reserved, loading/unloading)
- parking in a visitor space, with or without a permit, while an employee or student at Texas Southmost College
- parking where there is no designated parking space
- double-parked (encroaching on another parking space)
- parking in a handicapped space without correctly displaying a valid handicap placard/license plate or disabled veteran license plate issued by the State of Texas (placard/license plate must be issued to the same individual issued a Texas Southmost College parking permit)
- $25 per citation, other fees may apply
- $100 for boot removal
Purchasing a Permit
All outstanding parking fines must be paid to obtain a permit. The following information is required: driver’s license, license plate number, and the vehicle make and model.
The cost of a parking permit is as follows:
- student parking permit: $60 annually
- faculty and staff parking permit: $60 annually
- adjunct faculty parking permit: $20 per semester
Parking permits may be purchased from the cashier’s window in the Oliveira Student Services Building. The cashier’s window is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Payroll deductions are available for full-time faculty and staff. To purchase a permit through payroll deduction, a completed payroll authorization form to the cashier’s window or forward the form to the finance department. The parking permit will be sent to your department’s main office.
Purchasing a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space but does authorize parking in designated TSC parking areas.
Permit Installation
- Parking permits must be permanently affixed to the vehicle on the inside lower right-hand corner (passenger side) of the windshield.
- Motorcycle permits must be placed in a clearly visible location.
Temporary Permits
TSC parking permits are designed to be transferable to another vehicle – on a temporary basis.
For example, if a vehicle is being serviced and another vehicle must be driven to campus for a few days, permit-holders can remove the permit from the vehicle and place it in the new vehicle. When the original vehicle is ready, simply transfer the permit back to the regular vehicle.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I park my vehicle? Can I park overnight?
Overnight parking is not allowed, vehicles parked overnight will be towed.
2. Do TSC Visitors need a parking permit?
Visitor parking is located in front of the Oliveira Student Services Building for TSC business. Visitors needing to park elsewhere must contact the Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management office at the Newman Building (1860 Ridgely Road) by emailing [email protected] or calling 956-295-3825.
3. Where can visitors park on campus?
Visitor parking is in front of the Oliveira Student Services Building and can be used for TSC business only.
4. Can I get a citation in the visitor’s parking lot?
Vehicles parked in visitor parking that are not conducting TSC business may get booted or towed. Vehicles with a permit will get cited.
5. Where can I purchase my parking permit?
Parking permits can be purchased in person at the cashier’s in the Oliveira Student Services Building, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6. What happens if I don’t pay a citation?
Failure to pay citations can result in various consequences, such as a vehicle getting booted or towed, not being able to graduate, and being unable to request transcripts or diplomas. Citations may be paid at the cashier’s window in the Oliveira Student Services Building, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
7. Who should I contact about an appeal?
Appeals are heard by the Citation Appeals Committee. They can be contacted by emailing [email protected].
8. What happens if I get a different vehicle?
To register a different vehicle under your current parking permit, please contact the cashiers at [email protected] or call 956-295-3420.
9. What happens if I lost my permit?
If you lose a parking permit, please contact the Office of Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management at [email protected] or call 956-295-3825.
10. Under what circumstances can I appeal a citation?
You can appeal a citation if you believe you have been improperly cited. Appeals must be submitted within 15 days from the date the ticket was issued to be considered.
11. Where do I pay a citation?
Parking citations can be paid in person at the cashier’s window located in the Oliveira Student Services Building, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Payment can also be made by mail (check or money order only, do not mail cash!) to the following address:
TSC C/O Finance Department
Attn: Cashier’s Office
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, Texas 78520
12. Who can I contact to find out if my vehicle got towed?
Please contact TSC Security at the Newman Building (1860 Ridgely Road) by calling 956-295-3700 or email [email protected].
13. What happens if I get more than two citations? Is there a limit?
Having multiple unpaid citations can lead to a vehicle being booted or towed. Citations may be paid at the cashier’s window located in the Oliveira Student Services Building.