
Current Amenities

Cardio machines
Weight room
Outdoor swimming pool
Indoor track (nine laps equal one mile)
Basketball court
Indoor soccer court
Volleyball court
Powerlifting room
Mixed martial arts room
Racquetball courts
Outdoor fields
Locker rooms with showers (weekly-use lockers)
Multi-purpose studio (with full-length mirrors and hardwood floors)
Study lounge
Equipment check-out
Ping pong tables
Air hockey machine

Facility Guidelines
1. A valid TSC, UTRGV, or approved photo ID must be presented upon entry for facility access. Staff reserves the right to ask for additional photo ID at any time.
2. Non-marking closed-toe shoes must be worn in activity areas.
3. Appropriate exercise attire must be worn at all times. Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso. Pants/shorts with metal accessories are not permitted on the fitness floors.
4. All injuries, incidents, accidents, or equipment malfunctions must be reported to Recreation Center staff.
5. All advertising and posting of ads must be approved in advance by Recreation Center staff.
6. Recreation Center staff must approve the use of cameras and video equipment.
7. Recreation Center scheduled programs/activities take precedence.
8. Patrons must enter through the main entrance (ID check-in). The use of any other exterior door is prohibited.
9. The presence of a TSC or UTRGV ID does not guarantee current enrollment.
10. Memberships are non-transferable. Patrons may not use someone else’s TSC or UTRGV ID to gain facility access. Unauthorized use of the TSC or UTRGV ID is a fraud. A TSC or UTRGV ID not belonging to the bearer will be immediately confiscated, and the bearer will be asked to leave. The owner may face disciplinary actions.
11. Smoking or tobacco use in any form is prohibited on facility grounds.
12. Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on facility grounds.
13. Drinks must be in closed plastic containers.
14. Members and current TSC or UTRGV students are entitled to three courtesy entries per semester (without their TSC or UTRGV ID). They must present a valid photo ID to utilize a courtesy entry. Students will be denied access to the Recreation Center facility if they fail to provide a TSC or UTRGV ID after their third courtesy entry.
15. Headphones must be used with all personal music devices. No portable speakers are allowed.
16. Patrons may not move equipment from its intended location.
17. Solicitation is prohibited on facility grounds.
18. Patrons will be expected to abide by all TSC guidelines.
19. Food and gum are prohibited inside the facility.
20. Service animals are allowed in the facility.
21. Bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, or hoverboards are not allowed in the facility.
22. The Recreation Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
23. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
24. All patrons utilize the facility at their own risk.
25. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or any inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.
Fitness Guidelines
1. Athletic attire MUST be worn at all times:
-Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso; this helps us prevent bacteria and disease transmission.
-Jeans/denim or cargo shorts are strictly prohibited on the fitness floors; this helps us avoid damaging the upholstery on equipment.
-Shoes must be protective closed-toe and non-marking athletic shoes (no sandals, flip flops, clogs, or boots).
2. Patrons must wipe down equipment before and after use. Maintenance towel stations are available on-site.
-Spray cleaner onto the towel rather than the equipment.
3. Dumbbells, bars, and weights MUST BE RE-RACKED after use.
4. The dropping, slamming, or throwing of weights is prohibited.
-This is for preventing injury to yourself or others and/or damage to floor or equipment weights.
5. Only occupy ONE piece of equipment at a time.
6. Use of weight collars or clamps is MANDATORY on free weights at all times in order to prevent user injury.
7. Olympic lifting is not permitted on the fitness floor.
8. Drinks must be in a closed plastic container.
9. Refrain from using cell phones on the fitness floor.
10. Food and gum are prohibited.
11. Personal belongings/bags are not allowed on the fitness floor.
12. Volunteer spotters are recommended when lifting weights. Staff are not trained to spot.
13. Chalk is prohibited.
14. Do not move equipment from its intended location on the fitness floors.
15. Do not cause excessive noise around surrounding patrons.
-If such excessive noise is causing patrons to feel uncomfortable, we will ask patrons to discontinue noise.
16. The appearance of personal training/coaching by patrons is not allowed.
17. No spitting on the fitness floors.
18. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
19. Exercise at your own risk.
20. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.
Basketball Court 1 Guideline
1. Basketball games will be challenged when two teams of five are on the court.
2. Full-court challenge games have priority over half-court games on this court.
3. The two teams on the court will play a game to 15 points. The losing team must let the next challenging team play.
4. If fewer than five players are waiting to challenge, then members of the losing team may join the waiting players to create a new team of five (ALL waiting players must play first).
5. No spitting on the court.
6. Dunking is allowed on the basketball court. However, excessive hanging on the rim is not allowed.
7. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
8. Appropriate exercise attire must be worn at all times. Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso.
9. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.Indoor Soccer Court 2 Guidelines
1. Playing the Game:
-No cleats are allowed.
-Do not hang from soccer goals.
-Do not push opponents against the wall.
-ONLY soccer balls provided at the Service Center are allowed.
-Shin guards are highly recommended.
2. Soccer games will be challenged when two teams of five are on the court (including the goalkeeper).
3. Full-court challenge games have priority over half-court games.
4. The two teams on the court will play a game for ONE GOAL. The losing team must let the next challenging team play.
5. If fewer than five players are waiting to challenge, then members of the losing team may join the waiting players to create a new team of five (ALL waiting players must play first).
6. Walls, goals, or nets should not be altered or moved.
7. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
8. No spitting on the court.
9. Appropriate exercise attire must be worn at all times. Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso.
10. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.Volleyball Court 3 Guidelines
1. This court is prioritized for informal recreation activities in this order – volleyball, badminton, pington, and basketball. DO NOT REMOVE THE VOLLEYBALL NET WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF RECREATION CENTER STAFF.
2. Patrons are responsible for setting up and tearing down their court. Badminton/Pington poles must be returned to their designated area.
3. If only half of the court is used, the other half may be used for other informal recreation activities.
4. No spitting on the court.
5. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
6. Appropriate exercise attire must be worn at all times. Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso.
7. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or any inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.Racquetball Courts Guidelines
1. Racquetball Courts are for racquetball and wallyball play unless APPROVED by Recreation Center staff.
2. Eye protection is highly recommended when using the courts.
3. Racquetball equipment is available for checkout at the Service Center.
4. No spitting on the court.
5. Striking the court walls or floor with the racquet is prohibited. Prior to beginning use of the court, patrons should check the area for damage and alert Recreation Center staff if there are any issues.
6. Racquetball courts cannot be reserved.
7. Non-marking closed-toe shoes must be worn.
8. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
9. Appropriate exercise attire must be worn at all times. Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso.
10. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or any inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.Kickboxing Room Guidelines
1. Athletic attire MUST be worn at all times:
-Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso; this helps us prevent bacteria and disease transmission.
-Jeans/denim or cargo shorts are strictly prohibited; this helps us avoid damaging the upholstery on equipment.
-Shoes must be protective closed-toe shoes (no sandals, flip flops, clogs, or boots).
-Lifting suits, belts, and chalk are ALLOWED.
2. Drinks must be in plastic containers.
3. All injuries, incidents, accidents, or equipment malfunctions must be reported to Recreation Center staff.
4. Food and gum are prohibited.
5. Patrons must wipe down equipment before and after use. Paper towel stations are available on site: spray cleaner onto the towel rather than directly on the equipment.
6. Ammonia tablets are PROHIBITED.
7. Dumbbells, bars, and weights must be RE-RACKED after use.
8. Personal belongings/bags are to be placed by the cubbies in Basketball Court 3: the Recreation Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
9. Tossing kettlebells, dumbbells, or bumper plates is prohibited. This is for preventing injury to yourself or others and/or damage to equipment or glass.
10. Use free-weight collars or clamps is MANDATORY on free weights at all times to prevent user injury.
11. Do not move equipment from its intended location.
12. Recreation Center staff must approve the use of cameras and video equipment.
13. Headphones must be used with all personal music devices. No portable speakers allowed.
14. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
15. Exercise at your own risk.
16. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or any inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.Powerlifting Room Guidelines
1. Athletic attire MUST be worn at all times:
-Patrons must wear a shirt that completely covers the torso; this helps us prevent bacteria and disease transmission.
-Jeans/denim or cargo shorts are strictly prohibited; this helps us avoid damaging the upholstery on equipment.
-Shoes must be protective closed-toe shoes (no sandals, flip flops, clogs, or boots).
-Lifting suits, belts, and chalk are ALLOWED.
2. Drinks must be in plastic containers.
3. All injuries, incidents, accidents or equipment malfunctions must be reported to Recreation Center staff.
4. Food and gum are prohibited.
5. Patrons must wipe down equipment before and after use. Paper towel stations are available on site: spray cleaner onto the towel rather than directly on the equipment.
6. Ammonia tablets are PROHIBITED.
7. Dumbbells, bars, and weights must be RE-RACKED after use.
8. Personal belongings/bags are to be placed by the cubbies in Basketball Court 3: the Recreation Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
9. The tossing of kettlebells, dumbbells, or bumper plates is prohibited. This is for preventing injury to yourself or others and/or damage to equipment or glass.
10. Use of free weight collars or clamps is MANDATORY on free weights at all times in order to prevent user injury.
11. Do not move equipment from its intended location.
12. Use of cameras and video equipment must be approved in advance by Recreation Center staff.
13. Headphones must be used with all personal music devices. No portable speakers allowed.
14. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
15. Exercise at your own risk.
16. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or any inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.Fields Guidelines
1. In order to use fields, all participants must check in at the Front Desk. All participants must present their ID upon request.
2. Gates will be opened by Recreation Center staff during open recreation or scheduled programs/activities. Climbing any perimeter fence constitutes as trespassing. If gates are locked, ask Recreation Center staff to open them.
3. Recreation Center scheduled programs/activities take precedence. (No open recreation will be allowed during Recreation Center Program events/activities.)
4. After each use, soccer goals must be returned to their designated area before receiving your ID back. Goals should be carried when relocating, not dragged on the field.
5. All injuries, incidents, accidents or field maintenance issues must be reported to Recreation Center staff.
6. The Recreation Center reserves the right to close the fields without prior notice during inclement weather. Fields may also be closed anytime due to safety-related concerns or maintenance needs.
7. Smoking or tobacco use is prohibited in the fields.
8. Drinks must be in closed plastic containers.
9. Drugs or alcohol are not permitted in the fields.
10. No pets around or on the fields, except service animals.
11. Bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, or hoverboards cannot be used on the fields.
12. No grills allowed on the fields.
13. Participants should use the trash containers and not leave any trash or garbage on the fields. You are responsible for picking up your own trash.
14. The Recreation Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
15. Lights will ONLY be turned on during Recreation Center scheduled programs/activities.
16. Profanity, vulgar language, or aggressive behavior is not allowed.
17. All patrons utilize the fields at their own risk.
18. Staff is responsible for supervising a safe environment. Any individual not fully complying with guidelines may be asked to vacate the premises. Failure to comply with the guidelines or any inappropriate behavior may result in membership suspension with no fee refund.

Recreation Center tours are available during all open building hours. Tours are available to visiting individuals and groups.

Individual Tours
For an individual tour, stop by the Service Center and request one with our staff.

Group Tours
For a tour of more than five people, you will need to request one online at least one week in advance.

Request Facility Tour

Who Can Reserve?
Recognized Student Organizations at NO FEE. At this moment, no departments nor outside community can reserve.

Make a Reservation

Student Organizations
The Department of the Recreation Center and Intramural Sports allows recognized student organizations to reserve the Multi-Purpose Room 1.202, pool, courts, weight/powerlifting room, and fields in the Recreation Center. The president of each student organization will be the contact person for all reservations. President must email a completed and approved Student Organization Registration Form from their assigned Student Life/Recreation Department. The Student Organization Registration Form must include an up-to-date student organization roster with the name and ID # of each member. Reservations are to be used for the majority of the group, not one or two individuals. Due to the high demand for space in the Recreation Center, personal reservations cannot be accommodated. All participants using the reserved space MUST be current Recreation Center members. A TSC or UTRGV ID card is required for entry into the reserved space. Reservation privileges may be suspended if the organization is allowing non-members to participate.
Cancellations must be made no less than 48 hours in advance via email to [email protected]. If a student organization reserves space and fails to be present for their reservation, they will receive a written warning from the Recreation Center. If the same group fails to show up for a second reservation (within an academic semester), they will lose all reservations for the remainder of the semester.*Prior approval is necessary to use any equipment (mats, fitness equipment, speaker, etc.) within the reserved space. Important:
Reservation requests must be made during the Facility is open hours.
Field requests must be made during daylight hours.
Recreation Center scheduled programs/activities take precedence over any reservation.How to Make a Reservation
Reservation requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the reservation date. Once your request has been processed, you will receive a confirmation of reservation. Reservations are permitted up to three days per week and two hours per reservation. Reservations may be made after the second week of each academic period (fall, spring, summer). Reservation requests are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Drop-in or phone requests are not accepted.Facility Reservation Request

Equipment Check Out
There’s really no need to worry about bringing your own equipment to the Rec Center. We have basketballs, volleyballs, weight belts, and so much more to help make your time here fun and worry-free. Below is a list of Recreation equipment for checkout.

Indoor and outdoor Soccer balls
Racquetball Equipment
Pington/Badminton Equipment
Ping Pong Equipment
Air Hockey Equipment
Weight Belts

All you need is your designated ID!

Damaged Equipment
Recreation Center staff is required to inspect ALL equipment before checking out AND, when returned, before return is complete. Members will be held responsible for all damages to the equipment when it is returned. Damaged equipment is the responsibility of the person who checked out the equipment.

Equipment Not Returned
All daily equipment must be returned to the respective areas by the close of business. The patron’s responsible for returning the equipment on time and exactly the equipment that was checked out under their name. All patrons who do not return equipment will be charged replacement costs if items cannot be found.

The Recreation Center provides our members with complimentary towel (sweat & shower) service. Present your designated ID when checking out a towel. Towel service is available at the Service Center. Please return your towel to one of the designated bins provided. We encourage you to utilize our towel service; towels are required on our Fitness Floors.

Weekly use lockers are available for all members at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. You must provide your own lock. Members must remove all items in weekly-use lockers before the building closes on Saturdays. Locks left on after Saturday closing hours will be cut off. All locker contents will be removed and stored for a period of 14 days. After 14 days, all abandoned locker items will be thrown away.

Equipment Request
A full-time employee or a president of a student organization must sign the equipment checkout form prior to picking up equipment. Upon returning the equipment, an inspection of the equipment will be performed.

Equipment Request Form