Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA)
As an institution of higher education, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act protects the privacy of education records. More information can be obtained by visiting the FERPA General Guidance for Students.
Six Drop Regulation
Texas Public Community Colleges, Technical Institutes/Colleges, and Health Science Institutions offer undergraduate coursework, and the university must comply with the Texas Education Code (TEC) 51.907 (SB 1231). This legislation, enacted by the State of Texas in spring 2007, applies to students who enroll in a Texas Public Institution of Higher Education as first-time freshmen in fall 2007 or later. Texas Education Code, Section 51.907.
If I drop a class before the start of the semester, does that count toward my 6-class limit?
No. All courses dropped after the official day of record (census date) are included in the 6-course limit unless:
- A student withdraws from all courses
- A drop exception is authorized
The official day of record for an undergraduate regular term course is the 12th class day (census date). Census dates for all terms may be found on the TSC academic calendar.
How do I request a drop exception?
Drop Exceptions can be approved by the Vice President of Student Services if the student documents one of the following:
- The student, a member of the student’s family, or a person of equally important relationship to the student experiences a serious illness or other debilitating condition;
- The student becomes responsible for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person;
- There is a death in the student’s family or of a non-family member of equally important relationship;
- The student or a member of the student’s family, or a person of equally important relationship to the student is called to active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the Armed Forces of the United States;
- There is a documented change in the student’s work schedule that is beyond the student’s control.
- The course is dropped while the student is still in high school.
- The college determines that there is another good reason for you to drop the course.
Students may request a Drop Exception on the TSC website. Requests can be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the term.
Students are limited to a total of six course drops during their undergraduate career, including a course(s) dropped at another institution as defined in Section 51.907 (need to include the link here) of the Texas Education Code, which limits the number of courses that may be dropped under certain circumstances. A dropped course is defined as a course in which an undergraduate student at an institution of higher education has enrolled for credit but did not complete under these conditions:
- Classes dropped after the official day through the withdrawal date are considered drops
- Grades of IP will not be considered drops since they are earned
- Classes dropped prior to the official day are not considered drops and do not appear on a transcript
- Instructor drop / excessive absences
- Non-payment to the college
- The student is not dropping the course in order to withdraw from the institution
Students should carefully consider the number of courses to take and the time commitment required to be successful.
The College may not permit students to drop more than six courses, including those taken at another Texas public institution of higher education. All courses dropped after the Official Day of Record are included in the six-course limit unless
- the student withdraws from all courses or,
- an appropriate college official authorizes the drop as an approved Drop Exception. The official day of record for an undergraduate regular term course is the 12th class day (census date). Check the calendar for all census dates.
Transfer students affected by this legislation shall be required to submit all transfer institution transcripts for processing during admissions. The official transcript will indicate the number of drops counting toward the six-drop limit. The total drops from all transfer institutions and TSC cannot exceed six total drops.
Students who have accumulated six drops may not be permitted to accumulate another drop. The student will receive the grade earned in the course.
Enrollment and drop activities of students affected by this legislation will be monitored. Those who drop six or more courses without an approved Drop Exception will incur registration and drop restrictions during all subsequent terms and may incur other enrollment limitations or requirements.
The rules and regulations of Texas Southmost College govern the use of this card. TSC is not responsible for any loss or expense resulting from this card’s loss, theft, or misuse. As TSC property, it must be relinquished upon request. If found, please return/report to the Office of Admissions inside the Oliveira Student Services Center
TSC ID CARD for Students
- All TSC students are required to obtain a current TSC ID CARD with their student identification number.
- It is strongly recommended to carry the TSC ID CARD while on college property. This card is required to access various TSC facilities, including computer laboratories, recreational centers, and tutoring services.
- In order to have a TSC ID CARD issued, students must present a driver’s license, military ID, or another form of picture identification card, along with their current class schedule.
- In order to have a TSC ID CARD issued, students must be registered for classes for the current semester.
- The first TSC ID CARD is free. A $10 fee is charged for replacing an ID card.
- The card is valid until August 31st of each year, at which time a new card may be issued at no additional charge.
- The TSC ID CARD will serve as a the student identification card.
- Students must apply for a card in person at the Office of Admissions area inside the Oliveira Student Services Center.