- The CARE Team will conduct an initial screening, which may include interviewing witnesses and reviewing any supporting documentation.
- Should the initial screening identify a concern; the CARE Team will then execute a threat assessment using the NaCARE TeamA Threat Assessment Tool.
- Acts of targeted violence typically follow a logical progression of behavior: (Ideation – Planning – Acquisition – Implementation).
- Threat Assessment is a systematic process that is designed to identify persons of concern, gather and assess information, and develop strategies to manage the situation.
- Following completion of the threat assessment, the CARE Team will determine what action, if any, needs to be taken.
- The CARE Team may develop an individualized management plan to de-escalate the subject and mitigate precipitating events that may trigger adverse reactions.
- The CARE Team will take into consideration the individual’s best interests as well as the best interests of the College community. The intention of the CARE Team is not to punish or single-out individuals, but to assist individuals who are in need of guidance or services.
- Individuals who fail to comply with a plan of action developed by the CARE Team may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the College.
- Texas Southmost College will pursue disciplinary, civil, or criminal action as appropriate under the circumstances against any person who engages in violence, threats of violence, or intimidation.
- Texas Southmost College prohiCARE Teams retaliation against persons who make reports in good faith.
- Individuals who file knowingly false or misleading reports or provide knowingly false or misleading information in an inquiry may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the College.