Texas Southmost College recently welcomed guidance counselors from Region One Independent School Districts to participate in its TSC Ambassador Counselor Training Program, held in mid-July. During the three-day training series, counselors learned about essential topics such as the college registration process, financial aid resources, dual enrollment, workforce training programs, and other resources available to TSC students.
“I am truly impressed by TSC’s dedication to investing in the development of teachers, counselors, and district administration by educating us about their programs and opportunities available to high school students,” said Alicia Ortega, an education specialist at Region One Education Service Center. “The more we learn, the better equipped we are to guide our students, ultimately preparing them for their post-secondary pathways.”
The role of a TSC Ambassador is multi-faceted, but the primary purpose is to serve as an immediate source of information for high school students interested in taking their first steps toward attaining a higher education. Whether providing crucial financial aid and registration information to students on the cusp of high school graduation, TSC Ambassadors will ensure that students are well-informed every step of the way.
Day two and three tours
On day two of the training, the counselors were given a guided tour of the campus’ Recreation Center facilities, learning about the various exercise and wellness amenities and fitness services offered to students.
Dr. Armando Ponce, Executive Director of Athletics and Civility, explained the multitude of positive benefits that students gain through involvement with recreational activities. The tour capped off with the counselors having the opportunity to put their skills to the test in an archery exercise, grabbing bows and shooting soft-tipped arrows at a target several yards away on the building’s basketball court.
On the final day, the counselors received an extensive tour of TSC’s International Technology, Education, and Commerce (ITEC) Center. They explored various areas tailored for different workforce training programs and engaged in informative hands-on sessions, gaining insight into the intricacies of these specialized fields.
Michael Simon, an instructor in the Patient Care Technician (PCT) program, guided the counselors through various exercises reflecting PCTs’ tasks in the medical field, such as drawing blood. Additionally, sparks were literally flying in a dual-purpose session that explored the training and duties of welders and pipefitters, demonstrating the precise nature of their jobs and the necessary safety procedures.
Jordan Castañon, a counselor with South Texas ISD Medical Professions, enthusiastically walked away from the demonstrations to share what she experienced. “This has all been a great way for us to learn more about Texas Southmost College,” she said. “These trainings are very hands-on, and the TSC presenters and instructors are very passionate about what they do.”
After all was said and done, the counselors were presented with their certificates of completion, officially designating them as TSC Ambassadors for their respective schools. Going forward, each Ambassador will now use the experiences and knowledge obtained from the sessions to serve as a helpful source of information for students eager to take the leap into college and explore the possibilities available to them.
Carlos Hernandez of San Perlita ISD is eager to share his experience with his students and support their educational aspirations. “I want to promote these programs to my students because everything TSC offers is excellent,” he remarked. “These opportunities are valuable because they are more affordable than other colleges. Even if students plan to attend another university, they can start here and build a strong foundation.”
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
AVP of Student Services Vanessa Vasquez welcomes the Region One counselors to TSC’s Oliveira Student Center on the first day of training on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
Lupita Castillo-Medellin, Director of Financial Aid at TSC, gives counselors a thorough presentation on the financial aid process, different types of aid, and the qualification process for students.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
In addition to the various training sessions, the participating counselors were encouraged to network and build connections amongst one another.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
TSC Interim Dean of Arts & Sciences Dr. Cristopher Alves welcomed counselors to the newly opened TSC Legal Center courtroom as part of a presentation on the many programs of study available to students looking to enroll in college.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
TSC Coordinator of Intermural Sports Christopher Din gives the counselors a guided tour of the workout equipment and other amenities available within the Recreation Center.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
TSC Recreation Center staff assist counselors during an archery exercise on Thursday, July 18, 2024.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
A counselor takes aim at a distant target with her bow inside of TSC’s Recreation Center. The exercise was a way of providing hands-on experience with some of the recreational amenities available to TSC students.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
Dr. Armando Ponce, Executive Director of Athletics and Civility, gives a presentation on the TSC Recreation Center, as well as the positive benefits that an active lifestyle can have on students’ physical and mental health.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
Counselors were encouraged to get hands-on experience with the same training equipment used by students in TSC’s Patient Care Technician program.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
Michael Simon, an instructor in TSC’s Patient Care Technician program, watches as a counselor attempts to locate a vein on a medical training device.
TSC Ambassador Counselor Training
Counselors clad in personal protective equipment watch sparks fly during a welding demonstration at TSC’s ITEC Center on Friday, July 19, 2024.