ITECC will host opening night Wednesday at 6 p.m. Exhibition runs through Dec. 9th
Texas Southmost College Art Program Coordinator David Ransom’s students were hard at work last week putting the final touches on their renditions of famous artists’ works.
They are preparing for ‘The Master Copy’ exhibition that will be on display at the TSC Fine Arts Gallery at ITECC.
The exhibit’s opening night event is on Wednesday, Nov. 16th at 6 p.m. where the art pieces will be combined with live music, refreshments and the students on hand to talk about their final products and the road to completing them.
Ransom explained that the project is an academic study that helps students understand the tools, techniques and practices that artists used when producing famous works that stand the test of time.
“You certainly want the students to be looking at an artist using the same medium. For example, oil paint on canvas as opposed to a piece using acrylic paint,” Ranson said. “That way they can better get the likeness and practice because the students are using the same process.”
Art student Huu Triet Bui was in the middle of time traveling to the 17th century to attempt a Dutch Baroque piece. “The piece I chose was ‘The Milkmaid’ by Johannes Vermeer. The reason I chose this piece—to be honest, it’s my first painting ever—my direction in art is more into sculpting. So, I want to learn more about colors and other disciplines.”
Bui, like many of his peers in the Painting 1 course, seemed to quickly pick up the difficult task of recreating classics. The students have been working on their pieces since October 13th.
“This means a lot to me if I can pull it off because he uses a very limited palette but still created some really vibrant colors.”
Bui is a perfect example of the students mixing a knack for being artistic or creative combined with the necessary background to better understand the techniques behind making a painting.
“Our students inherently have a lot of natural ability,” Ransom said. “They might not have been exposed to a lot of structure. It’s a really great fit for the students. They start to realize how much more they can do.”
Like a true art historian, Ransom, quoted the painter of the Sistine Chapel, Michaelangelo.
Michaelangelo once said ‘The challenge is not setting the bar too high and not reaching it, the challenge is setting the bar too low and hitting our mark.’ That’s where the idea of the master copy comes into play. Aiming at something that seems unattainable at first but once you understand the process realizing it is attainable.”
Amanda Hernandez was another student nearly done with her piece which was a mesmerizing rendition of Romanticist William Blake. The piece she is working on is called ‘The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun.’
“This book is based on the Book of Revelations from the bible,” Amanda Hernandez said. “I’m not religious per se but I really want to be able to create something dark but beautiful. That is what I want to do with my future art.”
You can see all of these pieces and more at the TSC Fine Arts Gallery at ITECC. The exhibition runs from November 16 to December 9th.
For more information about the TSC Art Program you can contact Chair of Arts, Business and History Jaime Saenz at 956-295-3657. Or you can reach Mr. Ransom directly at 956-295-3590.