Stop by Student Life
North & South CourtyardThe office of Student Life will be out in between North and South recruiting and giving information about Student life, student organizations, events, and volunteer opportunities.
The office of Student Life will be out in between North and South recruiting and giving information about Student life, student organizations, events, and volunteer opportunities.
The Office of Student Life will be hosting their annual Charro Fest to kick off the charro day festivities.
The Career and Employment Office will host an Employer Connection Visit. Students will have the opportunity to network with the employer and learn about the hiring process and requirements.
The Office of Student Life will be hosting an event to honor Women’s History Day. Students will be able to attend the resource fair, listen to music, play games, and have a treat.
The office of Student Life will be out in between North and South recruiting and giving information about Student life, student organizations, events, and volunteer opportunities.
The office of Student Life will be out in between North and South recruiting and giving information about Student life, student organizations, events, and volunteer opportunities.
The Career and Employment Office will host an Employer Connection Visit. Students will have the opportunity to network with the employer and learn about the hiring process and requirements.
The office of Student Life will be out in between North and South recruiting and giving information about Student life, student organizations, events, and volunteer opportunities.
The Office of Student Life will be hosting an Easter Egg hunt the week leading up to the Easter holiday. Students will be able to hunt for easter egg’s that have been hidden around campus.
The Office of Career and Employment will host a Job Fair for students and the community. Students are encouraged to explore career opportunities and network with local employers. Representatives from different agencies are looking to hire.
The office of Student Life will be out in between North and South recruiting and giving information about Student life, student organizations, events, and volunteer opportunities.
The Office of Student Life will host an event in honor of Cesar Chavez. Students will be able to paint a mural of Cesar Chavez and learn more about the work that he did.