Students and alumni at Texas Southmost College were given the royal treatment at a recent Scorpion Swag drive-thru hosted at the college’s Jacob Brown Auditorium parking lot.
During the event, students arrived in vehicles showing off their Scorpion pride and honking their horns to show the love they have for their college.
TSC Director of Student Development and Retention Virginia Sandoval said this event was designed to help students start the semester strong.
“When you start strong, you finish strong,” said Sandoval. “And we want to let our students know that we’re here for them and they’re not alone.”
Of course, there was the challenge of doing it safely with minimal contact, and she said the newly popular drive-thru option was a perfect fit for this event.
All Centers for Disease Control (CDC) safety protocols were followed – masks, gloves, social distancing and hand sanitizer were all a part of the event.
TSC administration, faculty, staff and the TSC Board of Trustees were in attendance to present each student who drove by with TSC swag bags that included a college t-shirt, pencils, stickers and cell phone wallets.
“These are new times and to just catch a quick glimpse of each other was exciting,” added Sandoval. “Now with this swag, students can display their Scorpion pride out in the community.”
Jacquelin Ruiz, a general studies student at TSC and work study in the Student Life department, said its events like this that mean so much to students, especially during these difficult times.
“Seeing everyone again reminds us that we’re not alone,” said the 20-year-old. “This is proof that we have support at TSC. We are family and it’s great seeing all of the Scorpion pride everyone feels.”
TSC freshman and Criminal Justice major Odalis Garcia said this event made her feel like she was part of a family.
“My freshman year in college is different from what I ever expected or imagined,” said Garcia. “And coming out to this event makes me feel like people have my back and I’m proud to be part of the Scorpion family.”
Garcia added that she hopes this motivates others as much as it has her.
“Right now it’s easy to get depressed, but we have to remember that this is all temporary,” she said. “We have to keep working hard at being successful because one day we will be back on campus together again.”
Sandoval said she is happy that this event was able to spread a little joy and remind students that they are part of the Scorpion family and are greatly missed on campus.
Registration for the spring 2021 semester is underway. Classes begin Jan. 18, 2021.