“The ceremony provided students with the opportunity to express their gratitude for those who gave their lives on that tragic day,” said TSC Director of Student Life Armando Ponce. “We should never forget the tragedy and what it means to improve our communities and country through not only service, but community service.”
Students lined up after the ceremony to write messages on a Memory Wall in honor of those who were killed on the day of the attacks, and in memorial to service members who gave their lives for their country.
“It was a big impact on us and the country,” said Josh Machado, a TSC student. “It’s important that we, as students, always remember our potential and power to make a difference in the future of our world.”
About Texas Southmost College
Originally established in 1926, Texas Southmost College currently offers the first two years toward a bachelor’s degree, along with career and technical education leading to certificates and associate degrees, college preparatory studies to prepare students for college-level work, workforce training, and continuing education. Recently selected as a Bright Spot by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, TSC offers 53 programs of study leading to an associate degree or certificate.