Students from TSC’s Raul J. Guerra Early Childhood Center and BISD’s Longoria Elementary School entertained the audience with dances and traditional holiday songs.
After a short performance from the TSC student acapella group The Sounds of Treble, TSC President Dr. Lily F. Tercero pushed the lever to light the tree. Following the tree lighting, the audience gathered around and enjoyed coffee and hot cocoa illuminated by the holiday lights.
“The holidays are a special time of the year, getting together with family and spending time with them,” said Kendra Quesada, TSC student and member of The Sounds of Treble. “I’ve become very close with a lot of my friends at TSC so we’re like family now, and I like to spend time with them, too.”
The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony is a TSC tradition celebrated since the college re-opened its doors in 2013.
“I look forward to this,” said Longoria Elementary Assistant Principal Adrian Dansby. “I went to the Tree Lighting Ceremony last year and I really enjoyed it. It was especially nice this year. Everything was wonderful, it gets me in the Christmas spirit. TSC is doing a great job with sponsoring the Tree Lighting Ceremony and providing this to the community on a yearly basis.”
About Texas Southmost College
Originally established in 1926, Texas Southmost College currently offers the first two years toward a bachelor’s degree, along with career and technical education leading to certificates and associate degrees, college preparatory studies to prepare students for college-level work, workforce training, and continuing education. Recently selected as a Bright Spot by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, TSC offers 53 programs of study leading to an associate degree or certificate. TSC became independently operational in the fall of 2013, after engaging in a 20-year contractual arrangement with a public university.